// ==UserScript== // @namespace http://mrob.com/time/scripts-beta // @name profile-hover for OTT // @description Makes the profile info stay on screen when you scroll through a post. // @author Ondrej Mosnáček and Robert Munafo // @version 14757.49 // @downloadURL http://mrob.com/time/scripts-beta/profile-hover.user.js.txt // @include http://forums.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php* // @include http://fora.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php* // @include http://echochamber.me/viewtopic.php* // @include http://1190.bicyclesonthemoon.info/ott/view* // @require http://zeptojs.com/zepto.min.js // @run-at document-end // @copyright 2013+, Ondrej Mosnáček // ==/UserScript== // // REVISION HISTORY: // np2895.59 first version, by Ondrej Mosnáček // np3254.62 re-posted in OTT:1323:25#p3429300 // // np7661.48 Clean up formatting; add lots of comments // np10966.67 Work on the balthamirror (1190.bicyclesonthemoon.dnsd.info) // np14757.49 Remove 'dnsd' from bicyclesonthemoon hostname /* Get every