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Sequence A023394, Prime Factors of Fermat Numbers    

This sequence, Sloane's A023394, gives the prime factors of Fermat numbers Fm, arranged in increasing order by the value of the factor.

They are commonly expressed in the form k×2n+1, because of the results of Euler and Lucas showing that all Fermat factors have that form, where n >= m+2.

Here is the beginning of the sequence, giving the Fermat number that it is a factor of and the values of k and n for each one:

Factor Fm k 2n
3 F0 1 21
5 F1 1 22
17 F2 1 24
257 F3 1 28
641 F5 5 27
65537 F4 1 216
114689 F12 7 214
274177 F6 32×7×17 28
319489 F11 3×13 213
974849 F11 7×17 213
2424833 F9 37 216
6700417 F5 3×17449 27
13631489 F18 13 220
26017793 F12 397 216
45592577 F10 11131 212
63766529 F12 7×139 216
167772161 F23 5 225
825753601 F16 32×52×7 219
1214251009 F15 3×193 221
6487031809 F10 32×29×37×41 214
70525124609 F19 33629 221
190274191361 F12 5×11×211153 214
646730219521 F19 32×5×7×11×89 221
2710954639361 F13 5×11×752107 216

According to the OEIS entry A023394, all terms less than 258 (which is about 2.88×1017) are known.

Here are the first 12 Fermat numbers, the ones for which factorizations are known. P62, P99, etc. refer to prime numbers with 62, 99, etc. digits:

F0 = 3

F1 = 5

F2 = 17

F3 = 257

F4 = 65537

F5 = 641 × 6700417

F6 = 274177 × 67280421310721

F7 = 59649589127497217 × 5704689200685129054721

F8 = 1238926361552897 × P62

F9 = 2424833 × 7455602825647884208337395736200454918783366342657 × P99

F10 = 45592577 × 6487031809 × 4659775785220018543264560743076778192897 × P252

F11 = 319489 × 974849 × 167988556341760475137 × 3560841906445833920513 × P564

The first Fermat number whose factorization is as yet unknown is F12 = 2212+1 {~=} 1.04438888142×101233. Here are all the digits of F12, plus its currently known factors:

F12 = 10443888814131525066917527107166243825799642490473837803842334832839
= 114689 × 26017793 × 63766529 × 190274191361 × 1256132134125569 × (an 1187-digit composite number)

Current status on factoring Fermat numbers is maintained by Wilfrid Keller, on this page

I have conjectured that this sequence contains all factors of sequence A094358 (which contains all N satisfying the relation 2↑↑N ≡ 1 mod N).

Some other sequences are discussed here.

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