Proceed to Safety


Robert P. Munafo, 2008 Jan 31.

My colloquial name for the lumpy objects found inside embedded Julia sets, particularly those found near the C(0) cusp of the influencing island mu-molecule.

We will start with this embedded Julia set, which is influenced by R2F(1/2B1)S:

-1.74876455 +0.00000001i  +0.00002441
-1.74876455 +0.00000001i @ +0.00002441

~.. -, -( , .- '"., T ] [ . ./ __*- `., \ e,c____.. [ c_'_-.' .ac` `-_ -_)$""^/""*Ye:\_)/(@"$d\e,~ ..-' .,'-.@m- T` -@L[]-Ymbc `r-~"Y)_.-'` `-.dF"@--._", '' ] '^' [ '"FL%e, . `--.,_,'.FF`, _%Y)\. ,'_ .__Ym,`'*'$m,^ ^'_@;"Y"^^ ^`-.d@$)^'' ' '-vm'-FL_,---'' '"(b\/^ , -^^' ',:$e_ ^^^^:C.[ .ab(,- [ ._a___ T`@^-,- --'*/e'**/F- -) ,dC:d`a(/`L '`'^""F"' .__[,, -^Y(**`^ -.--:----:-------------,----]T@@---.----------.--c-:-m--,.,- _ .a,,-.. -'"F" ,e:a__-_ -__L\F^L%Ye. .L -aF%$^")mr- ____vm"/ '@@d"- [ -**-"; T:b`--- ._$F/L `' _`., :"~YF- _"bca)_, ._.-@$(-__ .."d-(@"---.,_ _,,--^^^mC[d^`'^-:e-^^` ~^^ '^^-am~ __`v@% '^ ` _."@L.m,_'*^` . ] _. %`'./F""` ` ` '^^"/m T, adme'-dmd- aL_dT$``-_, _,^ .Ymv.^-\_^%)[]'YmL,v`:r/F"/ '~_, _-~ /`""FF-"""^ -c `/^^^^', ' '`\/, __-` . ] '[ ' '\ `-_, .'" a` % '` ^-. -1.74876455 + 0.0i @ +0.00002441, Nmax: 1000

Figure 1

The structure is almost exactly symmetrical on both the vertical and horizontal axes. Looking at one quadrant:

-1.74876109 +0.00000471i  0.00001010
-1.74876109 +0.00000471i @ 0.00001010

_e,a~ . v- ' : ] , / .^ . '^Fmm_.~ ' . ..\_rva/a-re__L .` , . . :_-^ '^--""/e-` r -,.)@F*Ta ^`^`/`'d\:-__L_~, .-` ../'^` .,.. ~FL-, [ '.dF"-^^`^`--F` '"^~Fm'~*YL,~ a_-' -\d*$(c]$( .; .$d"`:ee, ^_, ,:. ,.]m/"*b/_,- ._-'^ -/$_^^,/F- ] -"Y\/*":@^` 'db*"^'` `'^"/@/_, ._-^ .-'"*/]^^` . ^~*/a_)( ` -[ _.__'(-- __-' " ] ^^ .` ' '` \YdCaF^.,-^ T` '[ '''.-'`._L_- _, $` C .`_ . a,-^ .F%^"^rm,'. _._- / ^.d7(-__-` -'"@F` ~""Y/__--^ B , ' _ , __-^^(C^@d- ' ._.TbL. - '\.e_mv\, -___,-^^ .`^^-, , ._-"~-mT[--^ ^-/.,_ :m(*d_/\@`-----^'" /`.__ ._~` a_,(F-- .. `_F_'"*d$F- '^.$@C._.'*""____-.---^'' '^Fba"r**`-, ^"F~ .mre\ -` ' ' ` ' D ]c '^`d@_^ ]- ^..,,--rY,^^^` -- -_ . -d^,/ad@`- -- .'v.,'_ a v :d\)--_.___,_ _, '- ^^`^-a/T$7@$e/_, __,-ad`- ' ^^^^^ _- '"@"v'..a_^b\- :'^cm/" `` '^**^ .,-^^@~( '"CLd*- .,m-_$`'-.,_ __ ' \^@/-__' ._.-/.m/"`` ^`^ A :; ]` ~^*C(@./%/Ld*~` '--_ . ] . ` L^`/^'\' '-- '-v:)r__-(c--` ' ` ' . ^dY".Ld,"Fb` . , , _ --^^^^_Y^]@@["FL^^^^-^^^`^*^^'[^^^^^-^-^`^-^^^--^^-^-^^`^"^^^'^^'`^-^` ''^^ ' ^^` -1.74876109 +0.00000471i @ +0.0000101, Nmax: 1000

Figure 2. Key to later images (letters A, B, C, D)

One can easily discern three types of objects in the embedded Julia set:

- The "shell", made of self-similar pieces that resemble a letter "C" with spiral curls at each end,

- The filaments, which are all very long and straight,

- The "lumps" that exist at every place where two filaments cross.

These "lumps" are the 'nucleus' and the paramecia. They all have a structure relatively similar to the entire embedded Julia set, including the same three components.

-1.748764596 +0.000000002i  +0.000001450
-1.748764596 +0.000000002i @ +0.000001450

'\ , ' . '` , [ _ /` _, . , '\.e/__:.:,: . :- \.e,[__c. . . ., ._ '`-,_ ^..d/-(aC^\:""^F"e-. -c .,b_/"7"*`)^$cLv\___~ _.-'` '^-._ -_r*\['^:'_."`^'^^'Yd- : -b@"^^``'", `/^`]/*m.- ../^- '-_,Y@`;, ^.**^ -)vb,@~ .- ~F'm/d, ^"*,^ .'"@,..-^ .,.a\-/"Y" . '`*mbm"' ], `"bdm*/` c 'F"(-',,., '^-_-d("@@c`-, _." ' ' '` : ''-- ` '" . _-':FC"$mc_-^ --:@7( ` vmCdc- '; -:)Cm` ''`.)Cbe- ---.d*\-a)____,-'Y"-_ -- ._-"-^-.____(_-("__--- _\m*-.7^ `\_ . '` ._/~ "" -*m/_ . ,"C\m- ^~, ,'c__' __.`_ ..'^ -m/$" ^'^^\(^a /_d,- `.,:drF(bv^(mm;_,' -.___ ]e^)^^`^` ---Ym\/*b~@-- _ -me(FF.~.__,~ ]T)am , --@~d\_/mF--- '''"/--YT' '^$dF._:a@$bbdCb,_-\@C^` `FF--\"``` _a________________________@m_a@d@*"`'@@@__m@__________________________ ..,.e.. -(F^_'\$*@bmm@\F\,^Y- ,,a,. __'_aY^^L7Y-. -^^Ydac-^""d@")`-.cmF^^- '-F(d^"Fe_._, .$/_` "@L*%' _\-@%m(._.,T,$F'/ ^$"a@* '_\$- ^^^^v@-_, ` . _/' ^'^*^^'*""^` `\, ' ._-@c^^^^ --(b.^`. ..*` ' ', '",, . ,'^,d"- ____-^C;-mb--.,,.:,_,'` ]` '`v,.e,_.,--Y)-\%^-.___ ` ./(L,~ :d$b), -- _dd%b; `./~), _/Td) ame .-'""; ., "- . '""`-, _me.eb*^, '` ."YY"*,,\, : -./_e., -` .,a_L,- / ._L/~-F"-- ^` _,-\d"Y^ :_, '-@^m^@_ : _@^a/@`` -._ ""~b-^._ .,-` %Fb-\_-^Y*-\ '"^,$, :- .\\^"` ../-"F^^e/-@"` '\, _,-` `:^*ebam(m .*c^vcabF- :` --"dm_-%-*,-m/de//"\, "-, -,` /~ "''-'""((Y"Y*(`' .- `'"^""^)"FY`\` ~ ^. '~~ .` ' : ' ., ` [ - '\ ` ' '` ' Coordinates: -1.748764596 + 0.0i @ +0.00000145, Nmax: 2000

Figure 3. The nucleus (a 4-fold embedded Julia Set). This is feature A from figure 2.

Notice that the nucleus has 4-fold rotational symmetry, twice as much as the 2-fold symmetry of the surrounding shell; and it contains a smaller nucleolus with 8-fold symmetry. This 2→4→8 pattern is an example of bifurcation.

-1.7487590765 +0.0000047386i  +0.0000007155
-1.7487590765 +0.0000047386i @ +0.0000007155

-*, [ ,/` ` '-_ . '[ .~` `e -_\a_\_,/ :/` , ..-a@/`%%'*)c, /- --,_ -LYF*"~\-` :mrF`-_,m,.- ._ '`^-$c\c--*^, ^^/\)%^()b/_.--' __%]Le',_, '\a_' ^^ .e/bC- ' -Yd,]Fm`..-^^~__ ,:-'`-/,^^ . ' -""^"\-^` L@[._*""___...__-:c----^^ '^---mc__a,________a___--^^.a--m,- , .@~ee, - '` ` _d.@`T@(*- .'_,__($-__, ___-@F\ ' .."*;._\@" _-C^*-., . ./^ :b7^.,.______ .____,_$Ym- -_m(,-_,__:~@" `^ ' ,vr-^`%:@m*C@` :\)^^ --d@\c--"@b*C)b_^T$@------ , _ _ , '.C:, ' / '^'-_.,Yc`_ , ^'^^^^^^^^^:(Y^ ._` '^FF^` ,__.__a__________ab -vbC"` \dr, deae'd) ..,--'^^ ' '" __-'Tc\-^^^- .*(%(^.-^.,_ ,^C;ea \ ' .~:m@*mC_-- _''%*`--'@@.___.,-` '"^ /Y@L____, ___--'^ -/F@` ./^ "FF-__..-"^T, ._.--^` ''*L--a_ .e_,. . '"*md-* ^ . __--'^` -''^"F)_L.%Y/-cm$F __-^@c`-.,_ _--" .~ ""7*(^^] ("m_Lm**`- '`r-._, a- .` ' ] ' ] '-, ''` -` ( ~- '^ ' Coordinates: -1.7487590765 +0.0000047386i @ +0.0000007155

Figure 4. A paramecium, feature D from figure 2.

I also refer to this as a mitochondrion, a name that adheres more closely to the cell/nucleus naming metaphor.

revisions: 20080131 oldest on record; 20100918 add notes about terms "nucleolus" and "mitochondrion"

From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.

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